Anyhow, back to the business at hand, MOROS!!! ;o) If you're new here you're probably wondering what I'm taking about. I wrote a detailed post about the whole crazy event here, but in summary it's sort of a re-creation / celebration of the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by the Moors in the 8th century and the reconquest by the Christian Kingdoms over the subsequent 7 centuries (culminating in the fall of Granada in January 1492). The crazy parades and fiesta take place over several days (in the case of the town of San Vicente fortunately most of it is on the weekend). I "illustrated" the Entrada Cristiana in this post, and some of the nightime activities -the Moorish Embassy- in this post.

So, here goes! I've added more photos to my Flickr album, to see them click here. You can make these pics bigger by clicking on them. Enjoy!
First Tuareg troups clearing a path...

Beautiful horses...

Leading the charge

Water... such an essential element for a desert tribe!

A squad of archers

A dromedary! (and there were donkeys and goats and oxen as well!)

Ready for battle?

More dancers...

A moving market!

More troups:


El Capit�n and his wife:

Closing up the ranks of the Tuaregs

Members of other Comparsas:

Troups staged and ready and waiting to head out!

Getting ready to head out:

A tired Moro Nuevo suffering the consequences of the previous night's fiesta:

A crazy Benimerin waiting to launch the tail-end of the parade:

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