I came across this little map thingy and thought I might try it out, see if I like it for when I start up that "travel blog" I mentioned in my New Year's Resolutions. So, I know I've travelled a lot, but these type of maps make it seem both like more and less than I've actually seen! More because I'm one of those people who doesn't like "counting countries" (although I've done it) and thinks you can't really say you've visited a country if you've only seen a city or two (which is why China isn't in red, I've only been to Hong Kong). And less because I tend to repeat visits... some of these places I've been to several times (and would love to go back).
One thing's for sure, I need to get myself to South America and Africa! :p
And HEY!!! where's Antarctica on this map? I can't forget those trips!!!

visited 30 states (13.3%)
Create your own visited map of The Worldand looks like I've still got quite a bit of the US to cover as well...

visited 24 states (48%)
Create your own visited map of The United StatesHmm... time to plan another trip? ;o)
I wish....
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