So, what will you be doing on June 8th? It's a Wednesday Friday (got June mixed w/ July!), so a lot of people will probably be working, other in school, some at home... I'll be teaching a couple of classes. But before and during and after all that, I'll be hosting the 3rd Oceanic Blog-A-Thon!!!
Well because,
I hope you hadn't forgotten the big event? Nah... I'm sure you didn't! I'm sure you've been thinking of nothing else since I announced this year's Blog-A-Thon back in April. You've probably already come up with several wonderful ideas for an Oceanic blog post and have been have a really hard time choosing the one you want to share with the world... well why limit yourself to one? The past couple of years I've written a couple of entries for the Blog-A-Thon! :p
What's that?...
You forgot?!?!?!
*stunned silence*
My bad... I should have done a better job of reminding you regularly... the past month hasn't been a brilliant blogging period for me... ;o(
Well, you've still got 10 days!!! Remember, all you have to do to participate in the Blog-A-Thon is write a post about the seas or oceans next week and send me the link either by leaving a comment on this blog or e-mailing it to me at crazycrisb AT ymail DOT com. I'll write up an introductory sentence to each post and link them up in one big Oceanic Blog-A-Thon post (which will be active June 7-8) so all the participants (and anyone else who happens by) can go browsing through our marine adventures at will (cf 2009, 2010 editions)!
What kind of post? Anything salty that tickles your fancy! A childhood memory, a great holiday, your favourite beach, your favourite marine plant/animal/ecosystem, photos, a whole biology/oceanography/history lesson, a scuba diving experience, a review of an oceanic book or movie, the music of the waves... through poetry, photography, painting... the Oceans have inspired humanity since we first set our eyes on that vast expanse, and continue to do so to this day. How do they inspire YOU?

If you want you can think of something along the theme of this year's World Oceans Day: "Youth: the Next Wave for Change".
Perhaps you could look around and see if there are any events being organised close to you for World Oceans Day and decide to join in! Or maybe even organise one of your own? I'll be orienting all my classes that week towards oceanic subjects, see if I can't stir a bit of salty passion in my young students! ;o) Fellow blogger Shellbelle will be hosting a Beach Party at the Tikki Hut that weekend, with a possibility to win a give away for the participants!
What plans do you have? If you're in the US perhaps you could plan on enjoying one of the many Marine Protected Areas in the country that previous or following weekends:
In any case, start planning your Oceanic Blog-A-Thon post and remember to Wear Blue and Tell Two! ;o)
And here's to wishing there were more people like the Kiwis (New Zealanders) whom surveys show wish more of their oceans were protected:
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