Have I ever mentioned I lived in Mexico once upon a time? No? My bad! When I left there I felt more Mexican than either Spanish or American, and I sure sounded like one when I arrived in Spain! Not surprising since I lived in the country for 9 years, from the ages of 10 to 19... 2 years in Chiapas and 7 years in the D.F.. I've lost the accent (but some of it comes back whenever I talk with Latin-Americans) but some of the vocabulary is still there.

I miss my friends and reminded of them at pretty random times (and almost always around their birthdays), but when it comes to our life in Mexico I actually miss it most now around Halloween and then in January-February (we used to go see Swan Lake... on a lake! once a year then). Why now? Today is "
Todo Santos" and tomorow is "
El D�a de los Muertos", big, BIG holidays in Mexico. I miss the ambiance, and I miss the food, particularly the "
pan del muerto"
(above, photo from Wikipedia) only baked for this occasion... I miss going to see
Don Juan Tenorio, a 19th century Spanish play (a version of Don Juan) that several theatres would put on every year at this time. We went several times to see it in an "open air theatre", I think it was in the courtyard of an old convent? Very appropriate for the "mood". And in the intermission they served spiced hot cider... yum!
Good times. :o)
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