Woah! A whole month without going to the movies?! OUCH! That's how long between the last film I saw in September and the Ugly Truth which I saw with my dad, sister and cousin last weekend in Alicante... scary! I couldn't let the month go by with a Rom-Com having been my only cinematic outing, not when there were so many I'd wanted to see and had missed due to lack of time (or last-minute motivation), so I purposely stayed downtown later today to catch another one! ;o)

I'm sure many people will identify with different elements in the film, my moment was when Julia and her husband are talking about "going home" and she asks where that is and he answers "home is where we live". That is so me and my life...
Speaking of her husband, Stanley Tucci complemented Meryl Streep really well, they made such a great couple it kind of reminded me of The Devil Wears Prada. :p
Very predictable (as usual for so many romantic comedies) but quite funny! There were several moment's when Heigl's "dumb blonde" act were a bit tiresome though... And Gerard Butler was yummy! (except when he was being too despicable) ;o)
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