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Jan 1st 2011 atop the Red Crater on the Tongariro Crossing, NZ. |
Friday, December 31, 2010
Here and There and Everywhere is going to be taking a series of naps over the next month!
keep reading!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monthly Movies: December airplane bonus!
Airplane bonus!
With over 20h of air travel time between Paris and Auckland, you can bet I made the most of the fabulous in-flight entertainment system to catch up on movies I missed on the Big Screen and discovering others that weren't even on my radar!
Leaving Paris I decided to start with something light-hearted to help keep me awake while waiting for dinner (we took off at 1 a.m. instead of 11 p.m. because of snow issues). And what a pleasant surprise this was! A more adult rom-com than usual, both characters feel very real, and it's been a long time since I enjoyed a movie w/ Drew Barrymore so much! She makes me understand her pain and frustration at living in a long-distance relationship (she's in San Francisco, boyfriend in NY) and desperately trying to establish her career while finding a way to move closer to him.
After a night of desperately trying to sleep (and failing miserably most of the time), I realised I'd waited too long to start my 2nd choicem so had to flip through the options for something shorter. I landed on Winter's Bone (which as far as I know hasn't hit a screen near me) that I keep glimpsing very good info about across the Atlantic.
WOW! Talk about intense! The young lead Jennifer Lawrence is amazing as she desperately tries to locate her father (who skipped on his trial hearing) so she and her younger siblings don't lose their house (which he had the brilliant idea to put up as a bond), all the while taking care of the young ones and teaching them how to survive. She carries the whole movie solidly on her shoulders and does it brilliantly.
I didn't want to risk missing out on this one again (previous flight), so I started out the flight between Hong Kong and Auckland with Julia Robert's latest (and thought how fitting to watch a travel movie while on a trip!). She's wonderful as usual and the movie presents some interesting ideas as to life, love and God which made me take pause, and I had a great laugh at the Italians' view of Americans and they feel they have to earn life's pleasures! (completely agree with their assessment, and am glad to be more European than American in that aspect) Oh, and I'm now curious about reading the book...
After a decently long nap I went for comedy again to accompany brunch, and couldn't resist the lure of one that takes place during a Renaissance Fair and stars the delightful Christina Ricci! What a blast! I loved the mix of faux Shakespearean / medieval English and thought it was a really cute story! (plus I love those dresses, lol!)
So, have you seen these? Any thoughts? I just realised (looking it up on imdb) that All's Faire was from 2009! Some movies just never make it across the pond... grrrr!!!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monthly Movies: Autumn 2010
Yikes! What happened with my monthly movies posts??? I love writing these! I just wasn't really inspired this summer... not much worth writing about other than Inception which deserved its own "Movie Madness" post but was too busy to write (I thought I had, just realised while looking for it for a link that I hadn't!). And the fact that I didn't see a single movie in October (shocking!) is proof that having a lot of work to do and needing a bus to go to the movies... well it ain't easy! :p
I could just drop it for now and start up again in 2011 (Feb, since I doubt I'll see anything in January), and you've probably seen most of them by now, but still... My movie obsession won't let me drop it and I'm interested in hearing what you thought of those of these films that you've seen. So this post is just a combo of the Fall, not as complete as usual because some of them I only jotted down a few notes after seeing them and that was a while ago... but I don't want to leave them out 'cause there were some little (French) gems I want you to keep your eyes open for if you happen upon them!
keep reading!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wether you be in the snow
Or at the beach�
May the holiday bring you much love and joy!
Or at the beach�
to all!
May the holiday bring you much love and joy!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
No pretend�a dedicar el tema de una entrada a estos d�as pero este a�o el ambiente navide�o, el virtual y el real, me est� dejando un poso extra�o. Pens�ndolo bien, quiz�s sea precisamente la mezcla quien tiene la culpa: el ambiente a pie de calle y las diferentes entradas que me voy encontrando en la blogosfera; las luces y el bullicio en contraste, o en complemento, con las felicitaciones y explicaciones y motivaciones m�s personales que voy leyendo. Ag�tese todo esto al ritmo de mis neuras personales y obtendr� un c�ctel de apariencia agradable pero no muy digestivo que digamos.
Luces. Necesito las luces de las calles. Cada a�o m�s. Y creo que es porque cada vez soy m�s consciente de los d�as cortos y las noches largas, del fr�o, del mal tiempo, del gru�ido y el empuj�n del transe�nte y de la cara larga y avinagrada de quien, sin embargo y a simple vista, se dir�a que est� mejor que t�. Yo las necesito para hacer retroceder mi propia noche, no por hacerle gasto a la compa��a el�ctrica. Es el solsticio de invierno: necesito la promesa de que los d�as van a dejar de menguar para volver a crecer. Cada cual que lo interprete como quiera.
Ruido. No lo quiero. Est� de m�s, no voy a seguir ning�n canto de sirena; no voy a hacer lo que nunca hago ni a sentir lo que nunca siento. En ning�n sentido. Y, sin embargo, es lo que a menudo se a�ora: las fiestas pasadas, cuando todo ven�a hecho y tan s�lo hab�a que dejarse llevar; s�, volver a sentir que uno puede dejarse llevar y que todo estar� bien. Pero esa etapa pas� y supongo que por eso mismo nos incomoda a otros: incluso cuando haces un alto en el camino sabes que es una parada t�cnica, un tomar fuerzas para volver a salir fuera despu�s. Las ausencias, las cicatrices y los sue�os rotos siguen ah� y forman parte de lo que somos hoy. Como en Horizontes perdidos de Capra, Shangri-La no importa, es una jaula de oro, si Conway vuelve a �l es por Sondra. As�, de nada sirve el ruido de fondo, s�lo quitarse los zapatos y dar pasos de gato hasta encontrarse. Aunque nadie m�s lo sepa.
Felices Fiestas.
No pretend�a dedicar el tema de una entrada a estos d�as pero este a�o el ambiente navide�o, el virtual y el real, me est� dejando un poso extra�o. Pens�ndolo bien, quiz�s sea precisamente la mezcla quien tiene la culpa: el ambiente a pie de calle y las diferentes entradas que me voy encontrando en la blogosfera; las luces y el bullicio en contraste, o en complemento, con las felicitaciones y explicaciones y motivaciones m�s personales que voy leyendo. Ag�tese todo esto al ritmo de mis neuras personales y obtendr� un c�ctel de apariencia agradable pero no muy digestivo que digamos.
Luces. Necesito las luces de las calles. Cada a�o m�s. Y creo que es porque cada vez soy m�s consciente de los d�as cortos y las noches largas, del fr�o, del mal tiempo, del gru�ido y el empuj�n del transe�nte y de la cara larga y avinagrada de quien, sin embargo y a simple vista, se dir�a que est� mejor que t�. Yo las necesito para hacer retroceder mi propia noche, no por hacerle gasto a la compa��a el�ctrica. Es el solsticio de invierno: necesito la promesa de que los d�as van a dejar de menguar para volver a crecer. Cada cual que lo interprete como quiera.
Ruido. No lo quiero. Est� de m�s, no voy a seguir ning�n canto de sirena; no voy a hacer lo que nunca hago ni a sentir lo que nunca siento. En ning�n sentido. Y, sin embargo, es lo que a menudo se a�ora: las fiestas pasadas, cuando todo ven�a hecho y tan s�lo hab�a que dejarse llevar; s�, volver a sentir que uno puede dejarse llevar y que todo estar� bien. Pero esa etapa pas� y supongo que por eso mismo nos incomoda a otros: incluso cuando haces un alto en el camino sabes que es una parada t�cnica, un tomar fuerzas para volver a salir fuera despu�s. Las ausencias, las cicatrices y los sue�os rotos siguen ah� y forman parte de lo que somos hoy. Como en Horizontes perdidos de Capra, Shangri-La no importa, es una jaula de oro, si Conway vuelve a �l es por Sondra. As�, de nada sirve el ruido de fondo, s�lo quitarse los zapatos y dar pasos de gato hasta encontrarse. Aunque nadie m�s lo sepa.
Felices Fiestas.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Final Snowy Solstice Morning
The sun rises on my final morning here, on the shortest day of the year. It�s colourful and magical, but I�m glad to be going. I�ve had fun in the snow �as you have probably noticed from my snowbsession these past few weeks-, but I�m glad to be heading south for the summer!
Early bird catches the worm they say� although berries would be more accurate! I finally found out what happened to my snowctopus�s eyes! Indeed, I caught the culprit red-beaked:
HA! Gotcha! I hope he enjoyed his early breakfast, cheeky blackbird! :p
Strategic retreat, although at some point he�ll head back down to finish off the other eye. I should have used coal�
Tonight I�m moving out to a friend�s apartment to be closer into town. Tomorrow morning I need to get up early to take a suitcase to the Post Office to have it mailed back to Spain (all my winter stuff, plus some chocolate and other goodies), head over to the bank to get some kiwi dollars, print my e-tickets and boarding cards and then catch a 13h45 train to Lille in France from where I get a TGV to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport and then� I�m off! Up, up and away!!! New Zealand and a summer Christmas, here I come!!! :o)
(this would be the end of my snowbsession of the past month... I just realised I haven't written anything that didn't talk about snow since the end of February, lol!)
Li�ge, Belgium
Sunday, December 19, 2010
So yesterday I finally got to make my snowman! I braved the snowstorm and enjoyed the last few rays of sunlight to play in the snow for a fun and exhausting hour (I forgot how tiring making a snowman is! lol!)
The garden before:
and after (seen from my bedroom window):
What's that? The tree branches are in the way? Oh well, I guess I'd better bring you outside and introduce you in person...
May I present, Mr Snowctopus!
keep reading!
Li�ge, Belgium
White Weekend
So after a snowy Friday, I woke up yesterday morning to see a beautiful blue sky out of my window, with sunlight shining down on the snow!
I needed to go into town to finish up my Christmas shopping, and as I was heading out I decided to walk into town along the river to enjoy the sun and snow and take a few pictures of something I'd never seen before this year: snowy riverbanks along the Meuse!
This one's coming up on the Pont de Fragn�e:
I walked along the bank until I reached this point and realised I could go no further! I was at the meeting point of the Ourthe and the Meuse!
Li�ge, Belgium
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Snowy Friday
So yesterday morning I quickly posted a couple of pics of the view from my bedroom window and said I was wondering what would be waiting for me 150m higher up on the university campus... well, here's the answer:
That's the view from within the bus, was a bit thicker down below and the bus was having so much trouble making it up the hill for a moment I thought he'd pull over and say "time to walk guys!". It was snowing hard, and from my stop to class I got covered in snow!
But when I got out of my first class at noon, no more clouds, gorgeous sunshine, and everything looked lovely!!!
keep reading!
Universit� de Li�ge, 4000 Li�ge, Belgium
Friday, December 17, 2010
Morning whiteness
Here's the view out my window at 8h30 this morning:
Did someone drop a bucket of snow on us during the night??? There wasn't nearly that much when I went to bed! The campus is 150m higher up, so is probably going to look like a ski resort! :p
Maybe I will get to make my snowman after all... :D
Thursday, December 16, 2010
File this under the category "Be careful what you wish for"...
When I got up to Campus on Monday for my first class of the week, I was complaining how ugly everything looked with the snow all gone (melted with the *slightly* warmer weekend temperatures and rain) and how it was no fun dealing with below freezing temperatures if you couldn't at least have pretty snow!
Yeah well... several hours later it started snowing! Not much, just a few centimetres to make the place all white and shiny the next morning. But then Tuesday evening... aye! aye! aye!!! When I got up Wednesday morning: snow in town, so even more snow up on the hill! Plus it started snowing again during my first class, and I had to cross the whole bloody campus while it was snowing! (if it had been raining I would say pouring!)
Not that I minded all that much as you can tell from the grin on my face:
keep reading!
Li�ge, Belgium
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
MORE snow?!?!?!
This is utter madness! This is my 10th Fall in Li�ge and I've NEVER seen anything like this, never before Christmas, and never even this much or this long during "real" winter (although I missed the 2 worst ones of the past ten years).
What am I going on about? You remember me complaining about the "slushy snow" that was raining down on the city all day Sunday? The stuff that melted all the snow in town and has stopped me from making a snowman in my back yard? Well it never occurred to me that up on campus the situation would be any different. Silly me, I forgot that the Sart Tilman - our "hill" - is about 150m above the city (Li�ge is only 68m above sea level). And what was rain down here was probably snow up there! So basically it snowed all day Sunday, stayed freezing Monday, snowed again a bit yesterday... and here's the result:
You think that's white? Take a look at this!
keep reading!
Li�ge, Belgium
Monday, December 6, 2010
Feathered Visitors
A cool thing about this cold snap and all this snow, is that there have been a lot more birds hanging out in the gardens on the other side of my window! They're so cute hopping about and eating the last berries on the bushes, they make everything come alive! :o)
Allow me to introduce them to you (clicking on French names takes you to a bird website in French with distribution diet and more photos; Latin names takes you to Wikipedia in French, but I think you can change the language), and remember to click on photos for a larger view:
- Tourterelle turque or Streptopelia decaocto (Eurasian collared dove) some kind of dove that go released in the city "years" ago and has adapted quite nicely, in part probably thanks to friendly neighbours providing food during winter. These are the most abundant I've seen out of the window:
They particularly like the big fir tree:
- A male Merle or Turdus merula (common blackbird), always with a bright and shiny plumage!
who had quite a feast on berries like these!
- And finally, surprise one morning, a M�sange charbonni�re or Parus major (great tit) lovely little thing!
Apparently they're all a lot more visible now with the snow because they come closer to the houses seeking refuge from the cold, and looking for those fatty seed balls some people put out to feed them. Lucky me! But they'd better be careful, they're not the only critters hanging around in the backyards...
miaow! ;o)
I've been trying to get a shot of the large crows up on campus... but unlike these guys, they seem to have disappeared! :s
Li�ge, Belgium
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Ramo de Sunshine Award
Rafa Rosa, desde su blog Obras y Reformas, hace llegar un nuevo Sunshine Award a Bajo un Sol errante. �Muchas gracias Rafa! :D
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Sunshine Award |
Los requisitos a seguir se mantienen:
- Guarda la imagen y post�ala en tu blog.
- Pasa este premio a 12 bloggers.
- Pon un link a los nominados.
- Haz saber a los nominados que han recibido este premio comentando en sus blogs.
- Comparte tu aprecio y pon un link al blog de la persona de la que recibiste este premio.
Como muchos ya sab�is no acostumbro a nominar a tantos pero, como poco a poco la familia blogger sigue creciendo, s� quisiera premiar a:
- Pilar por Abalorios
- Goibniu por Postales desde el sur
- Marita por Contando Cuentos
- Andri Alba por La escribiente mariposa
Ramo de Sunshine Award
Rafa Rosa, desde su blog Obras y Reformas, hace llegar un nuevo Sunshine Award a Bajo un Sol errante. �Muchas gracias Rafa! :D
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Sunshine Award |
Los requisitos a seguir se mantienen:
- Guarda la imagen y post�ala en tu blog.
- Pasa este premio a 12 bloggers.
- Pon un link a los nominados.
- Haz saber a los nominados que han recibido este premio comentando en sus blogs.
- Comparte tu aprecio y pon un link al blog de la persona de la que recibiste este premio.
Como muchos ya sab�is no acostumbro a nominar a tantos pero, como poco a poco la familia blogger sigue creciendo, s� quisiera premiar a:
- Pilar por Abalorios
- Goibniu por Postales desde el sur
- Marita por Contando Cuentos
- Andri Alba por La escribiente mariposa
Snowy week!
It's been crrrazy here in Li�ge this past week! Snowing almost every day, snow up on the hill (on campus) and snow downtown (which almost never happens! or at least it doesn't "stick"). And temperatures below freezing for 10 days straight. This is my 10th Fall in Belgium, and I've NEVER seen this much cold and snow this soon!!!
I cancelled my evening sports activities due to being worried about being stuck up on campus at night if the snowing increased and the buses stopped running (they do that some times, nightmare!), but I enjoyed myself like a 6-year-old kid all week long goofing around in the snow and taking pictures! So here go some snowy shots and the tale of last week. ;o)
This what I woke up to on Tues Nov 30th:
Snow and the cars and the street:
made some things irresistible!
(and yes I know I'm early... 3 weeks to go!)
keep reading!
Li�ge, Belgium
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