Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hogueras by Night!

Well, after a loooong night out and not enough hours of sleep, I'm back at my desk fiddling with this blog instead of down by the pool. Can anyone say blogging addiction? ;o) Nah, I'm just having too much fun sharing all this!

So in that spirit, I thought I'd share some images of what things look like during Hogueras once the sun's gone down! Starting with City Hall:
Here's the "Official" city hoguera again (Sun and Moon) with people milling about.
And you remember the images and video of the Ofrenda - the flower offering - I posted 2 days ago? Well here's what the finished result is:
And I had a good laugh when I came across this small Hoguera, would have been perfect for our World Oceans Day event! It's the Plaza de Santa Maria Hoguera (3rd category), by artist Francisco L�pez.

These two fellahs are great! The sign under them says "La gamba de platja vol enfosquir-se la pell i es torra hores al sol per ser bruna de nivell", something along the lines of "the beach shrimp wants to burn its skin so spends hours in the sun to be darker"... a nod to all the northern tourists you see leaving the airport of Alicante... with skin so bright red it hurts just to look at them! :p
And here we're looking down at a Barraca where the members of the previous Hoguera are finishing off their dinner and drinks and dancing 'till they drop:
And finally the famous fires on the beach:
We never made it to the water! Try getting through those crowds... scary!!! Should have gone when we made it down town (you could just see a few fires here and there, not many people), but we were running late for dinner! :s Oh well, that goes on my list of things to NOT miss next year! ;o)

Hmmm... the pictures don't say much without the music... perhaps this will help!

And to finish off, this is what I woke up to this morning:

was looking around for the marching band like crazy, finally saw them on the other street. Dunno why they stayed off my street this year...

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