Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I hope you're all having a SPOOKY evening!

I don't have anything special planned this year. Halloween's not a big deal on this side of the pond, although I did have a blast organising a big fiesta two years in a row when I lived here before... I re-discovered a love of Jack'o'Lanterns:

keep reading!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

TV Addiction: combining two favourites!

I haven't seen last night's Halloween episode of Castle yet... but seeing this clip online makes me really impatient!

Rick Castle disguised as Captain Mal Reynolds?! Oh yeah!!! :o)
(and the dialogue with his daughter is priceless!)

Now if Joss Whedon could only give Nathan Filion a proper excuse to wear the space cowboy togs... preferably onboard the Serenity! ;o)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fishy Fridays ep. 6 (late!)

It's time to give the fishies a rest and talk about another group of underwater critters: crustaceans!!!


You know, those things with lots of legs, usually a set of claws and a hard shell around their body (which they have to ditch by moulting every time they want to grow...)?

Like this guy:

keep reading!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

TV Addiction: a new season begins

Any other series-addicts TV fans reading this?

So, the new (US) TV season is back in full swing! I've been so psyched about this since summer started drawing to a close and I realised how close I was to witnessing certain cliffhangers be resolved (where did Lois go? what happened to Olivia? to Zhiva? will Booth regain his memory? will he tell Bones how he feels? who died, George or Izzie? is House truly crazy?...), the rebirth of hope for certain series (Dollhouse got renewed? yessss!!! please oh please make Heroes improve its storylines!), and the delight of new discoveries (what would happen if the whole world blacked out for 2'14s? can we really take in another vampire series?).

keep reading!

Friday, October 16, 2009

La banda sonora de nuestras vidas: Infancia (II)

Los d�as se acortan y los recuerdos vuelven para ejercer su funci�n de raro refugio. En esta ocasi�n, se podr�a decir a la vez que no son nada especial y que s� lo son: forman parte de la inmensa mayor�a. En esta ocasi�n, digo, el recuerdo llega en forma de v�deo y m�sica: Moonlight Shadow de Mike Oldfield y Take On Me de A-ha. La noticia de la disoluci�n de este grupo lo ha avivado en gran medida y, por una curiosa conexi�n, en mi memoria los dos temas, con sus respectivos videoclips, siempre aparecen juntos. Extra�as cerezas, s�, pero asociadas a muy buenos momentos.

No puedo resistirme a dejarlos tambi�n aqu�:

La banda sonora de nuestras vidas: Infancia (II)

Los d�as se acortan y los recuerdos vuelven para ejercer su funci�n de raro refugio. En esta ocasi�n, se podr�a decir a la vez que no son nada especial y que s� lo son: forman parte de la inmensa mayor�a. En esta ocasi�n, digo, el recuerdo llega en forma de v�deo y m�sica: Moonlight Shadow de Mike Oldfield y Take On Me de A-ha. La noticia de la disoluci�n de este grupo lo ha avivado en gran medida y, por una curiosa conexi�n, en mi memoria los dos temas, con sus respectivos videoclips, siempre aparecen juntos. Extra�as cerezas, s�, pero asociadas a muy buenos momentos.

No puedo resistirme a dejarlos tambi�n aqu�:

Fishy Fridays ep. 5

We're giving the Li�ge Aquarium a break this week... I've been too busy correcting students' homework and now I'm off to do some shopping for a wedding tomorrow and join a friend for a birthday dinner!

So I'll just leave you with one really funky fish...

If you missed out on previous posts, take this chance to look back!
  • Ep. 4 with the Mediterranean sex-changing wrasses
  • Ep. 3 and the crazy sex lives of Lesser-spotted dogfish
  • Ep. 2 and that shiny fish we've been eating (and farming) for over 2000 years
  • and Ep. 1 where it all began.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

La Nocturne des Coteaux

a.k.a. my favourite night of the year in Li�ge! :o)

One of these days I'll get around to giving you a proper tour of Li�ge, but right now I'm just going to talk about what I think is the most awesome night of the year... when the oldest part of the city and the hillside gardens and forest that lead up to the old Medieval walls are all glowing with candles and lanterns and music fills the air!

keep reading!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fishy Fridays ep. 4

Welcome to the Mediterranean!

Ahhh, it's so good to be home! Even if it's just through the glass of a couple of Aquaria... ;o)

We group our fish based on their origin, and while the first two groups I introduced you to were present in both the Mediterranean and the North Sea, the next two tanks will be 100% mi casa!!! (well, they also hang out along the northern Atlantic coast of Africa)

Do these guys look familiar to you? They should if you've been hanging around here over the summer! I told stories about each of the three species present in this Aquarium when I took you diving under the Island of Benidorm! ;o) They're all present close to the coast, among the rocks and seagrass beds, usually not much deeper than 60m.

Remember them?
keep reading!

President Barack Obama, Nobel Prize winner!

My first reaction reading a mention of this in another blog: "is it April Fool's Day?" or "is she posting about what she's been dreaming?"

keep reading!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Darwin anyone?

For those of you lucky enough to live in the US with access to that wonderful channel that is PBS... you might be interested in watching this tonight:

I wish I could! And then check out their website, there appears to be plenty more information there!

One of these weeks I'll finish getting things organised enough to to a "Darwin Week", big double anniversary this year: 200th birthday (if he were still alive that is, lol!) and 150th anniversary of the publication of his revolutionary "On the Origin of Species".

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Gracias a la Vida

A friend just posted this on his Facebook and I wanted to share it... this is such a beautiful song! One of the ones I grew up with, a friend of ours in Mexico used to sing it (accompanying herself with the guitar) quite frequently. It brings back fond memories. I have a version on my ipod that's a duet with Joan Baez...

Gracias a la Vida by Violeta Parra performed by Mercedes Sosa:

Here's a translation for the final verse:

Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto
Thanks to life which has given me so much
Me ha dado la risa y me ha dado el llanto
It has given me laughter and tears
Asi yo distingo dicha de quebranto
So I can distinguish happyness from sadness
Los dos materiales que forman mi canto
The two materials that compose my song
Y el canto de ustedes que es mi mismo canto
And your song which is the same as mine

Monthly Movies: September'09

Not a single dubbed movie in September... EXCELLENT!!! It's so good to be back in Belgium ;o)

And I just switched to the new Blogger Post Edit thingy... with lots of new options I plan on fiddling with, starting with the "break"! I've wanted that option for sooo long... I'm guessing it won't make a difference if you click in from your "following" reader (or whatever it's called) since that takes you straight to the post page (as opposed to the full blog page), but if you're reading this from the main Blog page... and you want to know what I thought of September's movies (Abrazos Rotos, Inglorious Basterds and Public Ennemies), well then get ready to JUMP! :p
keep reading!

Capit�n Harlock

Cuando los mares de la Tierra se extinguieron, todos afirmaron que a la humanidad le hab�a llegado su hora... Hubo, sin embargo, algunos que volvieron la vista al infinito mar que se abr�a sobre sus cabezas y, deplorando el camino que hab�a tomado la humanidad, creyeron con inquebrantable fe en un nuevo y brillante futuro para los hombres... Fueron ellos quienes partieron entonces hacia ese nuevo mar infinito: el espacio.

La gente se mof� de estos hombres que, en una muestra de valor incomparable, se embarcaron en una nueva aventura. Les llamaron ilusos, y consideraron que estaban fuera de la ley por perseguir un sue�o inalcanzable... �sta es una historia de dicha �poca... Era el a�o 2977...

Me promet� a m� misma escribir una entrada sobre esta serie. No es para menos, la primera vez que la vi apenas si ten�a 5 a�os pero cuando, a�os despu�s, pude volver a verla, me sorprendi� la cantidad de detalles que recordaba. Por decirlo de alguna manera, el Capit�n Harlock, la Arcadia y su tripulaci�n forman ya parte de m�.
S� que, al ser una serie de anime cl�sico, muchos habr�n o�do hablar de ella pero s�lo unos pocos (los de cierta generaci�n) la habr�n visto y disfrutado. Por hablar, hablar� de la serie de 42 cap�tulos de 1977. El manga, publicado en 5 vol�menes, finaliz� dejando la historia incompleta y la serie secuela / precuela de 1982 - Captain Harlock SSX -, no lleg� a emitirse por estos lares. Una verdadera l�stima. Despu�s llegar�a la pel�cula de animaci�n, las otras series del Leijiverso (siempre es recomendable seguir a Leiji Matsumoto) y, m�s recientemente, las OVAS. Esto �ltimo relativamente f�cil de encontrar pero, quien quiera de verdad conocer la historia, deber�a ver la serie.

La historia comienza con el principio de invasi�n de las Mazon, una raza alien�gena vegetal liderada por la Reina Rafflesia. Ya el comienzo es una especie de homenaje a Ultimatum a la Tierra, con ese misterioso gallardete reclamando el planeta para ellas. En la Tierra, sin embargo, no se hace mucho caso de este hecho. El Dr. Daiba morir� intentando avisar sobre el peligro que corre la humanidad y su hijo Tadashi se unir� a la tripulaci�n de la Arcadia - la nave pirata de Harlock - en busca de venganza y respuestas.

Como se puede ver, el comienzo es bastante t�pico pero, ya aqu�, empiezan a verse detalles que hacen de la serie todo un cl�sico: la historia de Tadashi Daiba no es m�s que el hilo conductor que nos guiar� y enlazar� con las historias de muchos de los tripulantes de la nave, e incluso con la de la propia Arcadia. As�, llegamos a conocer el pasado de Kei Yuki, el jefe de ingenieros Maji, el Dr. Zero y su gato, Yattaran, la misteriosa Miime, �ltima superviviente de su planeta, e incluso veremos la redenci�n de Kirita... Historias todas que son narradas de una forma muy particular. Incluso sorprende la historia de la Arcadia, porque es a la vez una nave para salir de la Tierra y viajar m�s all� del sistema solar y un nexo de uni�n de Harlock con el planeta: por una promesa del capit�n a su amigo Tochiro, vuelve a �l con relativa frecuencia para cuidar de Mayu (Tami), la hija de Tochiro y Emeraldas.

Todas estas historias se relacionan con sus encuentros con las Mazon de las que, poco a poco, vamos descubriendo m�s cosas y, por lo tanto, pasamos a conocer tambi�n sus motivaciones. �sto hace que el final no sea el t�pico de las series de la �poca, sino algo m�s complejo, aunque dentro de lo que se espera en la propia serie. Es un buen detalle, porque cada personaje tiene su historia y no es bueno o malo sin m�s. Todo tiene cierto aire de melancol�a muy acorde con el nombre de la nave de Harlock, cosa que hace el viaje inolvidable.
Justificar a ambos ladosPara acabar, os dejo un enlace de una web impresionante sobre el personaje (en franc�s): Albator SSX, y una imagen del cofre del 30� aniversario de la serie (ese oscuro objeto del deseo que nunca llegaremos a ver por aqu�). :_(
Aquel que pueda, que se embarque en la Arcadia, dudo mucho que se arrepienta. ;P

Capit�n Harlock

Cuando los mares de la Tierra se extinguieron, todos afirmaron que a la humanidad le hab�a llegado su hora... Hubo, sin embargo, algunos que volvieron la vista al infinito mar que se abr�a sobre sus cabezas y, deplorando el camino que hab�a tomado la humanidad, creyeron con inquebrantable fe en un nuevo y brillante futuro para los hombres... Fueron ellos quienes partieron entonces hacia ese nuevo mar infinito: el espacio.

La gente se mof� de estos hombres que, en una muestra de valor incomparable, se embarcaron en una nueva aventura. Les llamaron ilusos, y consideraron que estaban fuera de la ley por perseguir un sue�o inalcanzable... �sta es una historia de dicha �poca... Era el a�o 2977...

Me promet� a m� misma escribir una entrada sobre esta serie. No es para menos, la primera vez que la vi apenas si ten�a 5 a�os pero cuando, a�os despu�s, pude volver a verla, me sorprendi� la cantidad de detalles que recordaba. Por decirlo de alguna manera, el Capit�n Harlock, la Arcadia y su tripulaci�n forman ya parte de m�.
S� que, al ser una serie de anime cl�sico, muchos habr�n o�do hablar de ella pero s�lo unos pocos (los de cierta generaci�n) la habr�n visto y disfrutado. Por hablar, hablar� de la serie de 42 cap�tulos de 1977. El manga, publicado en 5 vol�menes, finaliz� dejando la historia incompleta y la serie secuela / precuela de 1982 - Captain Harlock SSX -, no lleg� a emitirse por estos lares. Una verdadera l�stima. Despu�s llegar�a la pel�cula de animaci�n, las otras series del Leijiverso (siempre es recomendable seguir a Leiji Matsumoto) y, m�s recientemente, las OVAS. Esto �ltimo relativamente f�cil de encontrar pero, quien quiera de verdad conocer la historia, deber�a ver la serie.

La historia comienza con el principio de invasi�n de las Mazon, una raza alien�gena vegetal liderada por la Reina Rafflesia. Ya el comienzo es una especie de homenaje a Ultimatum a la Tierra, con ese misterioso gallardete reclamando el planeta para ellas. En la Tierra, sin embargo, no se hace mucho caso de este hecho. El Dr. Daiba morir� intentando avisar sobre el peligro que corre la humanidad y su hijo Tadashi se unir� a la tripulaci�n de la Arcadia - la nave pirata de Harlock - en busca de venganza y respuestas.

Como se puede ver, el comienzo es bastante t�pico pero, ya aqu�, empiezan a verse detalles que hacen de la serie todo un cl�sico: la historia de Tadashi Daiba no es m�s que el hilo conductor que nos guiar� y enlazar� con las historias de muchos de los tripulantes de la nave, e incluso con la de la propia Arcadia. As�, llegamos a conocer el pasado de Kei Yuki, el jefe de ingenieros Maji, el Dr. Zero y su gato, Yattaran, la misteriosa Miime, �ltima superviviente de su planeta, e incluso veremos la redenci�n de Kirita... Historias todas que son narradas de una forma muy particular. Incluso sorprende la historia de la Arcadia, porque es a la vez una nave para salir de la Tierra y viajar m�s all� del sistema solar y un nexo de uni�n de Harlock con el planeta: por una promesa del capit�n a su amigo Tochiro, vuelve a �l con relativa frecuencia para cuidar de Mayu (Tami), la hija de Tochiro y Emeraldas.

Todas estas historias se relacionan con sus encuentros con las Mazon de las que, poco a poco, vamos descubriendo m�s cosas y, por lo tanto, pasamos a conocer tambi�n sus motivaciones. �sto hace que el final no sea el t�pico de las series de la �poca, sino algo m�s complejo, aunque dentro de lo que se espera en la propia serie. Es un buen detalle, porque cada personaje tiene su historia y no es bueno o malo sin m�s. Todo tiene cierto aire de melancol�a muy acorde con el nombre de la nave de Harlock, cosa que hace el viaje inolvidable.
Justificar a ambos ladosPara acabar, os dejo un enlace de una web impresionante sobre el personaje (en franc�s): Albator SSX, y una imagen del cofre del 30� aniversario de la serie (ese oscuro objeto del deseo que nunca llegaremos a ver por aqu�). :_(
Aquel que pueda, que se embarque en la Arcadia, dudo mucho que se arrepienta. ;P

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Monthly Reading: September'09

I really thought I'd have done more reading this month... but I guess going to bed late and tired and having to get up early for classes the next day kind of limits my bedtime reading habits. And I'm not finding much time to read elsewhere! I need to start going downtown on the bus instead of the car just to be able to read! :p

Agatha Christie's Sparkling Cyanide and Elephants can Remember
It's always nice to re-visit old friends when one feels the need for some comfort, and familiar books fall into that category. I've probably read all of Agatha Christie's books (including her two fabulous memoirs), although I'm not sure I'd recognise one I hadn't read if I came across it! I tend to prefer her books that don't involve Poirot (he annoys me), my favourites involve those intrepid detectives Tommy and Tuppence Beresford.
I borrowed these two off a friend here in Li�ge (in previous visits I'd already borrowed his other volumes) and read each of them in a couple of days. And although I couldn't remember the "whodunnit", methinks either my subconscious whispered the answer to me halfway through the books, or else I've read so many Christie books that figuring them out has become second nature. Anyhow, they're still enjoyable many years down the road, once I've forgotten the plot again! ;o)

Mutiny on the Bounty by John Boyne
I picked this one up last Spring as a Father's Day present for my Dad since I'd read good things about other books by the same author and my Dad enjoys both Mutiny on the Bounty movies. Also, let's be honest, with the afterthought if reading it myself when he'd done! :p (I love Historical Fiction as you'll have noticed by now, and stories that paint "history" from a different point of view to the one usually acknowledged are always very interesting)
In this case we've got the entire voyage of the Bounty laid before us, from their departure to their abortive attempt to round the Cape of Good Hope. From the escapades of several officers in various ports to their arrival in the Eden that is Tahiti. From the evolution of Captain Bligh as a man reluctant to use disciplinary measures to one almost tyrannical when imposing discipline in Tahiti. To the fateful night of the mutiny. All told as a memoir, in first person narrative through the eyes and voice of the Captain's cabin boy. One that aims to be "more impartial" than previous tellings (i.e. where -if my memory serves right- Bligh is the flat-out villain and Fletcher Christian is a saint), but in a fight one chooses sides, so no re-telling can ever be truly impartial.
In any case I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it!

The Fire by Katherine Neville
A much looked forward sequel to the absolutely wonderful The Eight... which was a complete let down! Ok, so not that complete... it was nice to see what had happened with these characters 30 years later, but it was so confusing and way too complicated for its own good! The technique that was so original in the first novel, that of telling two parallel stories (that of Cat and Mireille) with a common thread (the Montglane chess game) in two different historical periods (late 18th century and 1970s), has since been copied and over-used in way too many novels. And this one kind of feels like one of those. The second storyline (centred on Mireille's son Charlot and Haid�e as well as a few other secondary characters from the first time) doesn't really earn its space in the book. It doesn't really provide much necessary information for the main plot, and its constant interruptions into the main plot are annoying. Also, the new characters in the main plot (2003) feel like watered down versions of the original and the story leads to a rather predictable ending.
It's a totally unnecessary sequel too... the original novel impeccably wrapped things up in its own storyline and left you feeling good about where all the characters were at. I never even felt the need for a sequel until I heard it had been published and I've been impatiently waiting for it to hit paperback! Sigh, but if you're like me (i.e. a BIG fan of The Eight) it doesn't matter what I say you'll go read this anyway (like I did even though two friends told me they were very disappointed, the only advice I followed was to not re-read The Eight beforehand otherwise the contrast between the quality in the two would have been too much). If not, then just ignore this book and head out and grab a copy of The Eight! ;o)


Hey! Does everyone know it's the 70th Anniversary of The Wizard of Oz this year?!

Probably... but did you know you can watch online for free at Netflix today (Oct 3rd) for 24h?! I don't know yet if it woks outside of the U.S. as well, I'll try it later... In the meantime, for those interested, here's the link:

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fishy Fridays ep. 3

Oops! Fishy Friday is a week late, sorry! The "real world" (and a nasty cold) got in the way of this coming out on time... will try to keep it from happening again, but things are kind of crazy now so no guarantees! :p

So, back to business! Where did we leave off last time? Oh yeah, fish in a tank! :p

Damn! Will you guys stop swimming around so I can get a decent shot?!

Much better, thx!

Whew, taking pictures without flash in a dark space with moving objects: NOT EASY!

Why no flash you might ask? One of the cardinal rules of visiting an aquarium, to be obeyed at all times! Do you remember the scene in Finding Nemo when Nemo gets fishnapped? Right at that moment one of the divers takes a picture of Marlin, his dad. *Flash* and all Marlin can see for the next few seconds are stars... Well, fish don't have eyelids... so flash (which we instinctively close our eyes to avoid) is a big NO-NO!

Hmmm... so much movement, so many critters. Who should we start with?...

keep reading!