Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ninots 3a categoria SJ-9

We're about halfway through with the candidates for the Ninot Indultat! Today: 3rd Category (so groups spending roughly between 10'000-15'000 for an entire Hoguera)!

I think I'll start off with one obviously dedicated to all the harried working mothers out there, I'm sure a lot of them would recognise themselves (at some point) in this representation:

Ninot Hoguera Santa Isabel. Artista: Rafael G�mez Fonseca

Another one that's definitely making a statement:

Ninot Hoguera Explanada Puerto Postiguet. Artista Xavier Herrero Mart�nez

Crisis? What crisis? (ask the sign at the bottom) The TP rolls say things like "mortgage" "car loan" and "electricity bill".

Now the term "loan shark" doesn't translate literally to Spanish, but if it did this guy would surely fit the bill!

Ninot Hoguera Altozano Sur Las Plazas. Artista: Santiago Ferrer Vicent

I looked all over and he doesn't have a dorsal fin, so not a shark... but still, this is definitely not a face to trust (or maybe he's just really upset with BP...)!

Continuing the marine motif (I'm sure Rhonda from the Tikki Hut is going to love this one, full of seashells!):

Ninot Hoguera Florida Plaza La Vi�a. Artista: Carlos Albaladejo Rodr�guez

Now there's an elegant seahorse! Very regal head:

but this little fellah on the bottom gets the last laughs! :p

To wrap up the "big guys", a funky dragon!

Ninot Hoguera Plaza de Santa Mar�a. Artista: Francisco L�pez Albert

And for the kids, I don't know if there's a man in the moon, but there appears to be a kid settling in for "sweet dreams":

Ninot H.Infantil Rabassa. Artista: David S�nchez Igualda

She doesn't need her beauty sleep, does she?

Ninot H.Infantil Plaza de Santa Mar�a. Artista: Francisco L�pez Albert

And finally, a tale of prickly love! ;o)

Ninot H.Infantil Explanada Puerto Postiguet. Artista: Jos� Enrique Ginestar Moran

Tomorrow: 2nd Category

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